Canvas Mobile App Single Sign On

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We recently went to single sign on for our district, and now the mobile app is not working for parents. Is there a way we can edit the mobile app to eliminate automatic sign in and allow the parents/observers to manually log in with their credentials? Since we are single sign on, Canvas authenticates all student/faculty district emails automatically, but this is problematic for non-district users (parents, observers). We fixed this issue on the desktop version by giving parents a login link (our instructure site /canvas/login). We need to fix this for the mobile version.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @AdamFinney 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with SSO for observer accounts on the app. Thank you for explaining  in detail what you need. You have taken the right steps, but there isn't a way for you to disable a feature on the admin  side of things so that observer accounts are logged out specifically on the app. You will need to speak with your CSM directly to set up something like this. 

Because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution. They can forward the case to the CSM on your behalf. 

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