Canvas Student Release Notes (Android 6.24)
In Canvas Student 6.24, course groups display by default and clicking the successful file upload notification routes users to the file location in the Dashboard.
Canvas Android app version updates are distributed in a phased rollout, which distributes the update to all users over time. The features in these notes may not immediately be available as an update in the Play Store. The Canvas Student Android app requires Android 8.0 or later.
Updated Features |
Course Groups Display
Course Groups on the Dashboard
In the Dashboard, all course groups display by default. Previously, users were required to manually favorite course groups.
Edit Dashboard Bulk Select/Unselect Favorite Groups
When editing the Dashboard, users can bulk favorite or unfavorite course groups.
Related Ideas:
[Mobile - Canvas Student] Access to Groups in phone app
Share Extension Routes to File Location
When clicking on the successful file upload notification, a user is routed to the file location.
Date | |
2023-05-25 | Release Notes Published |
Change Log