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Canvas Student Release Notes (Android 7.4)

Canvas Student Release Notes (Android 7.4)

In Canvas Student 7.4, the calendar has color updates, the first day of the week syncs with web settings and students can add, edit and delete calendar events. Additionally, when inserting a link in the Rich Content Editor, the text field is no longer required.

Canvas Android app version updates are distributed in a phased rollout, which distributes the update to all users over time. The features in these notes may not immediately be available as an update in the Play Store. The Canvas Student Android app requires Android 8.0 or later.

Updated Features

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Create, Edit and Delete Events

In the Student app, students can create, edit and delete calendar events.

Related Idea: None

 Calendar Add IconCalendar Add Icon

To create an event, tap the Add icon.

 Calendar Add Event IconCalendar Add Event Icon

Then, tap the Add Event icon.

 Add Event PageAdd Event Page

Enter the desired information for the event and tap the Save link.

Calendar Edit and Delete Event OptionsCalendar Edit and Delete Event Options

To edit or delete an event, tap the Options icon [1], then tap the Edit [2] option or the Delete option [3].

 Delete Event Confirmation MessageDelete Event Confirmation Message

When deleting an event, a confirmation message displays. To confirm, tap the Delete link.



Group Colors

In the Calendar, group colors reflect the same color of the course. Additionally, a Deselect all link is added.

Related Idea: [Mobile - Canvas Student] Student App Calendar should include events from Groups (Course groups and ...

Group Calendar SectionGroup Calendar Section

Course group checkboxes are updated to match the course color and a Deselect all link is added [2].


Interface Update

The Calendar page interface is improved with minor color updates. Additionally, the first day of the week is adjusted according to the web settings.

Related Idea: None

 Calendar InterfaceCalendar Interface

The Calendar page interface is improved with minor color updates and the first day of the week is adjusted according to the web settings. 


Rich Content Editor

Insert Link Text Update

When using the Insert Link option in the Rich Content Editor, adding text is no longer required.

Related Idea: None

Change Log


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