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Account Admin in Sub-Account Can't Manage Student Logins

Community Explorer

Problem: I have an Account Admin as part of one of my Sub-Accounts with full permissions, but they cannot manage student logins.


Context: We import our rosters from FACTS SIS into one main Account, but the students and teachers are split between two Sub-Accounts (and campuses). I have confirmed that the user is in the correct sub-account and has the permissions set and is listed as an Account Admin. However, they still cannot edit login information of students. I do not want this admin to be able to edit information about any other sub-accounts. For some reason it works when this user is an admin in our main account, but not when they are set as admin in the sub-account.

I would like to avoid making this person admin over the main account, as that is not a security best practice. But this has proven to be my only solution.

Could it be that even though the students are separated into their sub-accounts, they are truly managed in the main account?


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