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Add new group tab missing

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Community Novice

I cannot make a group in my class at the moment. am able to see the groups, which is empty, but I can not make a group for my group project. My whole class is having this issue.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @NathanStults ...

You may have to have a conversation with your school's Canvas administrator about this.  There is a permission at the Canvas account level called "Manage Groups", and I wonder if your administrator has limited the use of this for instructors at your school?  I'd encourage you to talk with your school's Canvas admin or someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education department to see if this is what is happening.

Otherwise, you may need to reach out to Canvas Support to see if there is something else going on with your browser or other settings in the course.

How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?

Keep us posted...thanks!

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