[ARCHIVED] Automated Grade Transfer from Canvas to Banner

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We are currently piloting Canvas for our online course offerings and would like to contact schools that have automated  grade transfer from Canvas to Banner and who are NOT using the ILP Ellucian module.  One of the requirements from our Registrar is that the primary instructor must be the person doing the grade transfer even if automated so we are also wondering if any school is identifying the primary (vs secondary) instructor of a course and if so, how. 

We would love to hear from any schools that are willing to take some time to discuss how they have done the grade transfer automation to Banner.   

Please email me if you can assist us:  pmiller@nd.edu


Pat Miller

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi Pat,

A school I previously worked at had this kind of set up.  We worked with Canvas Professional Services to develop the custom process and they host it.  The last I knew it works as you describe and only the instructor of record can post the grades.  It's been over 5 years since I worked with that school but I sent a link to this post to their admin to see if they can reach out with more specifics.  It might also be worth asking your CSM because if professional services developed it you might be able to tell you more.

At my current school we just implemented a similar custom process with our PeopleSoft SIS.  Instead of pushing from Canvas though, it pulls from the SIS.  So in this manner only the instructor of record can pull the grades since only they can access that screen in PeopleSoft.  So it can be done.


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