BBB default camera resolution

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Every time I have a meeting with parents and students in Canvas's BBB conferences, I have to ask them to up their resolution since it looks really bad. Is there any way to set the defaults to "high definition" for the entire system? (instead of having to ask them to fix it every time.)

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1 Solution

Hi Jill,

I am the product manager for BigBlueButton.  While I work at Blindside Networks and can’t speak on behalf of Instructure, I can answer your questions.


> Every time I have a meeting with parents and students in Canvas's BBB conferences, I have to ask them to up their resolution since it looks really bad. 

The default version of BigBlueButton is what we call the "Free Tier".  It has some limitations, such as max 25 users and recordings expire after 7 days.  Another limitation, which reduces bandwidth, is the webcams are set to low resolution by default.

There is a Premium Version that has permanent recordings.  On that version, your school would have its own account and we could set different defaults for webcams resolution.

It's easy to inquire about upgrading, just reach out to your CSM!

Regards,... Fred

BigBlueButton Developer (I also moonlight as the CEO of Blindside Networks)





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