Badges are awarded automatically instead of meeting the requirements.

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I'm hoping someone can tell me what's happening in this problem and how to fix it. I've gamified my course, so I have to do a module for every element of my class so they can earn badges. I tried to set up check-in engagements (a single-question quiz that is only visible and unlocked for 24hrs on a certain day of the week). 

The Problem

I have everything locked, but somehow students are still meeting the requirement for the badge (which is making a 100 on the quiz). How are they making a 100 when the quiz is locked and scheduled to open up at a later date? Students are gaining access to locked assignments. I even set the availability to only be available during that 24hr period.

They do not have access to the module page (I've set up a stylized homepage with links to the assignments). If they have a link but the assignment is locked and unavailable can they still get in? Can they get access to those items through the grade book? It does alert them that the assignment is coming up in the upcoming assignments box. Do I need to take the due date off and just send them a schedule announcement link to the quiz on the day it's available? I just don't know how they are accessing the quiz when it's locked and unavailable. 

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Okay, I didn't figure out what was causing it, but I did figure out a workaround. Just for clarity, the issue was with the modules. They were set up correctly, in terms of setting the requirements for the badge, but for whatever reason, Badgr was awarding the badges as soon as the badge was set up. After some thought, I decided to create a new module. I then added the assignment and set the requirements for the module. I then went back to Badgr, removed the old badge, and revoked the badges from the students. I then re-added the badge to the newly created module, and everything worked smoothly. There must have been some sort of glitch with how the original modules were created.  SOLVED (sort of).    

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