Blueprint HTML breaking when applied to sections

Community Member

Hi all:


I'm an ID, though really my job is just to prep online courses for an institution. Encountering a weird issue that I've not seen. When associating a blueprint course to a specific semester's section, we're ending up with broken html, specifically around links to internal pages. 

This is happening at a particular place in a course's homepage design, and it's happening universally for a number of courses that use that design.  But it's not consistent within the design itself: the homepage includes a navigation list to pages within the course. Some of those links are transferring just as they should, but others are not--but the html is the same for all of them.

I'm sure it's a simple thing, but I haven't been able to suss out exactly what's going on. I'll show what the code is supposed to look like, and then what the code ends up being in the sections to see if anyone else sees anything. 


Blueprint code:

<li id="kl_nav_item_1" class=""><a href="" data-api-endpoint="" data-api-returntype="Page"><i class="fas fa-user-alt" aria-hidden="true"><span class="dp-icon-content" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span></i>Contact Instructor</a></li>


Code rendered in section after blueprint applied:

<li id="kl_nav_item_1" class=""><a href="" data-api-endpoint="" data-api-returntype="Page"><i class="fas fa-user-alt" aria-hidden="true"><span class="dp-icon-content" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span></i>Contact Instructor</a></li>


You can see that everything works correctly, except instead of pointing to the actual page, the section ends up with this:



Anyone seen this before?

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