Bug Report: Multiple Dropdown Answer Order Scrambled

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I'm using the multiple dropdown feature in Canvas quizzes to run a survey for students. When I export the survey results using "student analysis," the order of the dropdown items is scrambled within each question. For example, if the dropdown items are labeled "rating1,rating2,rating3,rating4,rating5,rating6,rating7" then the student answers may be exported in a different order like "rating5,rating6,rating7,rating1,rating2,rating3,rating4". I discovered what was going on by looking at the quiz summary page: see the attached screenshot.

Getting the order of dropdown items to export correctly is important for me to export and analyze these survey responses without having to manually unscramble the answers. It's also confusing to have the items in the wrong order on the quiz summary page. (I expect they are linked somehow on the backend of Canvas.)





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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you @bsterne1 for including the screenshot. Please report this bug via the Help menu in your Canvas instance. That will get it to the tech support team. It would be great if their vigilance extended to the Canvas Question Forum, alas it does not. 

I'm going to mark this reply as a solution. I realize it does not solve your problem, but our colleagues who have a similar critique will also find the best way to pass on the feedback.

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