Can I move a Discussion that already has responses into Assignments?

Community Member

Hi, I made a mistake! I set up an assignment wrong and now students have already submitted.

I want each student to submit to a discussion each week. I want them to be able to see each other's replies. I want to be able to see at a glance if each student has submitted to the discussions regularly, so I would like it to show up in the Gradebook. (I probably want to grade these Complete/Incomplete.)

But I created a Discussion and didn't make it graded. And so I can scroll through the students' replies, and I suppose I could print out a class roll and double check if each student submitted...but obviously I don't want to do that!

I suspect I should have set this up in Assignments instead of Discussions. And/or I should have made it graded. 

My questions are:

1. How should I set this up?

2. Can I edit/move the one I have already posted, that already has student responses, so that it's set up properly?


Thank you!

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