[ARCHIVED] Canvas Browser Error on Page

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Community Novice

Hi! My Canvas is very zoomed in, I have tired clearing cookies and cache, and zooming out but both have not worked. I'm using Chrome as my browser, on the Windows 10 operating system. It seems to be isolated to my school desktop, but works fine on other computers in my house. 

If anyone else has had this problem and was able to fix it, please message me on how.





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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good evening, @oi ...

Sorry to hear that you have icons in Canvas that look really large.  The best resource I can offer you is What to do when Canvas looks 'big' or 'zoomed in'!.  If none of the troubleshooting tips in that posting seem to help (including trying a different browser such as Mozilla Firefox), I would recommend that you reach out to Canvas technical support.  You can contact them by using the "Help" menu on the left-hand global navigation menu.  See this Guide for further details: How do I contact Canvas Support? - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com).

I hope these resources will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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