Canvas as Document Repository

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Up to this point we have stored our committee documents in Blackboard, with the move to Canvas we need to find a different solution for MANY years worth of committee documentation. Is anyone else using Canvas to store committee documents? I know I have found a few threads were this was discussed but my VPI wants actual names of colleges doing this. So if you are willing to share your college, or colleges you know using Canvas in this way I would greatly appreciate.


Amanda Taintor

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1 Solution
Community Champion

We are using LookingGlass from CampusEAI as our campus portal.  They have a "Drive" portlet which allows users to create folder structures to share files.  It is granular, in that you can set up folders so that they are only viewable by certain roles (specific committees can only see the files for their area).  *We had over a thousand files, divvied up into various folders "by meeting date" and "year" and the Support Staff came up with a way to batch import this whole folder/files structure into LookingGlass using SFTP.  This is something that they were able to turn on, then off, to allow the upload but then not offer it as a continuing feature.  *I am not sure of how many files and users might begin to "bogg down" the system.  

Our users have also recently been given access to their own "One Drive" from which they can share files, so that might be a better alternative.

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