Card View Condensed

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Hi, I have an issue with Canvas where the view of my cards on my dashboard is condensed. This crops any images on the cards in half. I've tried to find a way to fix this but can't figure out if there's a setting or something that's causing this condensed view. I've added a picture below to show what I'm dealing with. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!



2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey there @nmarshall635 !
Thanks for posting on the Instructure Community.

While there could be several reasons for your course cards appearing smaller than normal, based off of personal experience it is because your page size is zoomed in larger than 125-150%.

Another reason could be the device you are using, such as if you're using a phone or small tablet it may appear condensed, however it won't on a laptop/personal computer.


I recommend changing your Dashboard view from card view to something else, such as recent activity. Refresh your page, then re-select card view and see if that works. You could also clear any browser cache, as this can sometimes cause bugs and errors within the canvas interface.


This guide may also help you out: 

I hope this helps, and while there could be more reasons, this is what I've done in the past when I've experienced this issue.

Reach out with any questions or concerns, thanks!
Noah B.

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@nmarshall635 I'm sorry none of my advice worked out!

The last thing I can think of would it being a bug issue on canvas's end, and it would likely be fixed during the next update. There have been times where that issue occurred on my account, and after a week or so it was resolved automatically.

You could also try using a different browser if you haven't already. Sometimes (if on Mac), Safari doesn't load Canvas correctly. A while ago it messed up my global navigation bar, and that was a year ago and it's still like that.


But that's all I really got, I'm sorry if none of those worked out! If the issue persists you can reach out to canvas support using the "Help" button on your global navigation bar.


All the best,

Noah B.

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