[ARCHIVED] Chinese Mandarin & Canvas

Community Participant

Hi Community,

I was hoping I could get some insight from those out there that use Canvas (and external tools) to teach Chinese Mandarin (in High School).

Our teacher is quite traditional in the practice of teaching a scripted language (still mostly paper and pen) but I'm sure that her students would benefit from a more integrated environment for (at the very least) supplementary learning and revision.

From the discussion I have had with the teacher (as the eLearning Designer and Integrator), with the myriad of classes and skill levels within, it is a struggle to have a fixed lesson structure as take up speed can vary from class to class and even within those classes.

Does anyone else in the Canvas community face this issue and what solutions have you successfully implemented to make learning more integrated in teaching this language?


Brad Turney

Online Learning Designer

Rosebank College

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