Contacting My Professor

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Community Novice

My professor only wants to be contacted through Canvas.  He sent the entire class a group email informing us about how he would like to be contacted.  If I reply to that email is that the same thing as contacting him through Canvas, or is there another way to contact him through Canvas?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello De'Alo,

If the email you received was written in Canvas and pushed out to you via an email notification, then yes -- you should be able to reply, and the instructor will likely receive your message in the Canvas Inbox (and possibly also receive an email, if he has email notifications turned on). 

Does the email you received say it's from Instructure and show the canvas logo?   If so, go ahead an reply.

Or is the email directly from his email address?   If so, do not reply.  Go to Canvas and use the Inbox to contact him.

Here are the Student Canvas Guides related to Inbox: 

Hope this helps!

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