[ARCHIVED] Course Templates

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Community Novice

I have been researching course layouts and templates. Have read some great posts in the forums and recently came across the video on Kennethware 2.0. Has anyone started using it?

Also, as a small institution, we do not have an instructional designer on staff. If I recall correctly, in the old help groups there was some mention of consultants. Is anyone here available for a consult?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I left this question alone at first because my answer is unfortunately no to both questions. Well, I'd be happy to consult, but time constraints would prevent me from doing much more than I could do for you for free here. Since it's been about a week I will chime in and offer what help I can. I am also in a small institution. The things I've done so far are to make the most of what's available for free on the internet (link below), leverage Canvas Commons (ask your CSM for more information), and to encourage faculty to work with their peers to create templates that work for them, be it on a class or department basis, and then to share them with others (mostly through Commons but export packages work as well). I am also as engaged as I can afford to be here in the community and everyday here I learn something new and useful that will help our faculty with course design among other things. Here's a list of sample course templates provided by Instructure: Sample Course Templates | Canvas Course Collections | Canvas Guides Here's the entire sample course collection from Instructure: Canvas Course Collections | Canvas Guides

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