[ARCHIVED] Deauthorize Zoom

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I have come to regret authorizing Zoom in Canvas.  My students are unhappy that I've put my office hours as a Zoom meeting in their calendars.

Is there a way of disconnecting Zoom from Canvas?  All I find in the settings is how to add Zoom.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @fcolina ...

You may be able to deauthorize Zoom in your Canvas account.  Try this...  in Canvas, go to "Account" >> "Settings".  Scroll down a bit, and look for the "Approved Integrations" heading.  Under that heading, do you see any rows for Zoom or Zoom LTI Pro?  There may be a trashcan icon to the right of the "details" link where you can delete this from your account.  If you do not have the ability to delete on our own, you may need to have a conversation with your school's local Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning/eLearning department do see if they can remove this for you.  Also, if you have the "Zoom" course navigation button active within your course, you may want to hide it from your students.  How do I manage Course Navigation links?

I hope this will help a bit.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!  Take care, and be well.

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