[ARCHIVED] Delayed jobs log filling hard drive

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Community Novice

Hey everyone,

I recently installed an open source version of Canvas on one of my servers. It mostly is working just fine except for two issues. 

1. Is my delayed_jobs.log file is almost half a gig after a few days and when I tail the output, it just keeps printing this every half second or so

[- -]   SQL Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job Load (2.0ms)  WITH limited_jobs AS (SELECT id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS row_number FROM (SELECT "delayed_jobs".* FROM "delayed_jobs" WHERE (run_at<='2020-03-16 19:42:16.685123' AND locked_at IS NULL AND next_in_strand=TRUE) AND "delayed_jobs"."priority" BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000 AND "delayed_jobs"."queue" = 'canvas_queue' ORDER BY "delayed_jobs"."priority" ASC, "delayed_jobs"."run_at" ASC, "delayed_jobs"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE) subquery) UPDATE "delayed_jobs" SET locked_by = CASE row_number WHEN 1 THEN 'canvas-lms:1645' END, locked_at = '2020-03-16 19:42:16.686549' FROM limited_jobs WHERE limited_jobs.id="delayed_jobs".id RETURNING "delayed_jobs".*  [production:1 master]

2. Emails don't appear to be sending out correctly. Meaning, when I invite a new student to a course it doesn't send them an invite email. Any ideas?

P.S I'm using a ubuntu 18.04 instance


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 @zach_springer ‌

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