Disable document uploads

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Hi. I'm an instructional designer trying to help one of our faculty members that is getting frustrated with students uploading documents into Discussions instead of pasting their written work into the body of the reply. Canvas provides a setting to disable attachments, but students can still use the Upload Document option, which provides the same functionality. Is there a way to disable the ability for students to upload documents into Discussions entirely for a course? Why doesn't the option to disable attachments in Settings also disable the upload document option in the formatting toolbar...

The teacher's reasoning is that a lot of time is wasted opening documents to engage with student writing for the teacher and students responding to their peers. Directions to not upload documents have not been successful, as you can imagine.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@aslabey That's fair. The instructor may want to check the Community Feature Ideas to see if this feature request is already out there. If not, I encourage her to put the idea out there.

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