Do manually arranged columns persist when courses are copied?

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One of our sub-accounts has manually arranged some columns in their gradebook. I see in the Instructor Guide that "Manual placement is persistent in the Gradebook until the column is reordered." Does that remain the same even next term when they'll copy the course content into a new shell? Thanks in advance for a clarification.

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Manually rearranging courses within the gradebook is done on a per-user, per-course basis and is not copied over when the content is copied to a new course. The new course has a new gradebook.

By per-user, per-course, I mean that you cannot manually rearrange the columns in the gradebook at the subaccount level. It's a personal decision. Any settings you make affect you and no one else. It doesn't change it for other teachers in the course. Also changing the display order settings for one course does not change it for any other course.

If you want the order to persist, then what you can do is rearrange the assignments on the assignments page before you copy the course content. The default setting in the gradebook is to show the assignments in the order from the assignments page.

Also note that changing the Display Order in the gradebook settings is a personal choice as well. I tested things by setting a gradebook to display by assignment name A-Z and came in as another teacher and it was set to the default order for them. Those things do not carry over when you copy course content, they reset to the order on the assignments page.

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