@lori_zaremba One common issue is students going directly to Flipgrid to record their responses instead of clicking through on the Canvas assignment. When students go directly to Flipgrid, the student's submission will appear on the grid, but Canvas does not get notified that the assignment has been completed. There is no way to link the video to the assignment once it has been submitted in this fashion (except perhaps for the student downloading their video and uploading it as a video clip once they access the assignment correctly, which is a hypothesis that I have not yet tested), so the student will have to go back to the Canvas assignment and rerecord their submission.
The best solution to this problem is to hide the Flipgrid link from the Canvas sidebar and to instruct your students to go through the Canvas assignment every time they need to record.
This Flipgrid troubleshooting FAQ has some helpful -- or at least interesting -- information: https://help.flipgrid.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055359133
Incidentally, I find this statement in the FAQ deeply frustrating: "If NONE of your students' videos appear in SpeedGrader: Something went wrong with the LTI installation. It's difficult to determine what specifically, so we recommend deleting the integration and starting from scratch - please see Canvas LTI Integration - Uninstall." In my case, the videos have stopped appearing in SpeedGrader after I had been using it successfully for several weeks. Hope they'll find a better solution to this issue; it sounds like it's fairly common.