Grade not showing

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I've been using Canvas so years and never had this issue until this week. There are two assignments that I have to manually grade (discussion board) and a summary. I input the grades manually, but after touching Enter and going to the next student, the grade does not show up under Grades but shows a green shading (never seen this before). If I click on it, I can see the grade, but when I click out, it doesn't show. The grade is included in the totals, but I would like to see it also listed in the grade column with the others. Has anyone else had this issue? Thanks.

1 Solution
Community Member

This link was helpful. However, the link information says the green shading is because it was a resubmitted assignment or quiz. It was not. I was a discussion board post. To answer your questions:

1. Yes, in SpeedGrader, the points are there for the student.

2. Yes, I can see the points are included with the other points on the right side of the screen.

3. No, there are other details. Everyone else's grades are showing. I allow releasing grades when entered.

4. Dates are correct.

Chris, I appreciate all of the information  you have sent me. As I said, I've never seen this before. I guess I'm just going to not worry about it!! Thanks, Shawnna

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