Grading Scheme acting strange

Community Participant

Hi all,

I have a faculty member that created a 7-point grading scheme, created an assignment worth 7 points, and set the "display grade as" to Letter and applied that scheme for the assignment.



What we're noticing when grading is, the middle range is acting strange.  For example, one of her students got a 3, which should be a B-, but Canvas displays a C.

I recreated this scheme in my own test course and played around putting each possible grade in the Test student's cell, and am getting similar results.  This is what I get for each grade:

7:  A

6:  A-

5:  B

4:  B

3:  C

2:  C

1:   D

0:  D

So 2-5 aren't giving the expected results, and in fact 4&5 and 2&3 give the same result.  Am I just completely missing something here?  She does have a different scheme set at the course Settings level, but I thought you should be able to have a particular assignment display how you want.

I have a ticket open with support, but just curious if anyone has any ideas.



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