Grant Full Credit for Single Short Answer Question in Quiz

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My university has recently migrated from blackboard to canvas.

I regularly write quizzes that have a pattern of a multiple choice question with a correct answer for credit followed by a short answer question where I would ask students rationalize their choice. This pattern repeats for 5-10 multiple choice questions. I would give full credit for the short answers as long as they make a good faith effort. Their final score on these quizzes would be a composite of the full credit short answer points+ the number of correct multiple choice questions. All of these assignments imported into canvas from blackboard and I began to use them in my summer course.

In blackboard, there was a single button that would let me "grant full credit for this question and regrade for all students" but I cannot seem to figure out how to grant full credit en masse for a single question. Instead, it seems like I have to click through each submission and manually input credit for every single short answer.

As my student load is 600-700 students per semester and I am not granted any TA's, having to manually grade each question for each student is completely untenable. Any assistance would save my sanity and my mouse from the thousands of clicks I'm going to have to do. 

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Hello @JGifford1 ,

Thanks for reaching out to us! In looking at the options that would best match the regrade for all submissions, unfortunately, Canvas does not have a regrade that works specifically for short answer/essay questions. The alternative I checked into that could work would be adding the extra points through the Gradebook, which can be a bit easier if you export the gradebook, enter the points on the csv file, and then import that file back into the Gradebook.  While this could work, it would also mean checking the answers and then doing the export, adding points, and then importing the file which is a bit more work in the end. I did find that there is a suggestion in the community for allowing a regrade option on the Essay/Short Answer questions which with enough interest from the community will push this up to the engineers of Canvas who create the updates that are implemented. 

Feel free to reach out to us again if you have further questions!!

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