[ARCHIVED] Graphics Tips

Community Champion

A couple of these ideas came from #instcon, and another I located recently. I thought they may benefit others.

Canvas Tips/Tricks: Graphics and Images

There are several resources and tips for managing graphics that I would like to share….

  • Canva.com is a great resource for creating banner images for your courses. The site name sounds like Canvas, but it’s something completely different. One such image example I generated can be found here. I used the Etsy Banner template > selected a theme > modified the text to suit. I added a banner to every page in the course site very easily. Banners provide a graphical theme that breaks up the monotony of text.
  • Getty Images announced that it will now allow users to embed images for free. Simply use the image embed tag and copy it to a Canvas page. There are over 35 million images to choose from…all free.
  • Free for Commercial Use allows users to download and reuse high-resolution images at no cost.
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