[ARCHIVED] How can I search announcements?

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Community Novice

I know I've shared a particular topic in a prior announcement, but I don't see a way to search. The search on the announcement page only seems to search titles. I need to search the body of text.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

 @pbressler , unfortunately this functionality isn't currently available in Canvas. I did a quick search of the Canvas Studio‌ and this is the closest I could find to what you are wanting - https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1165-comprehensive-course-search-tool-searching-course-content.... If you think this would cover what you are wanting, then I would recommend voting and commenting on this feature idea. If you don't believe that this is what you are wanting, then you could always create your own feature idea for this functionality.

Hope this helps!


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