How do I delete an old class tile from canvas?

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Community Novice

I have a class from last year that I cannot remove from my dashboard. Thanks.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JamisonChochrek ...

When you logged in to Canvas, click on your "Courses" icon on the far left-hand global navigation menu, and then select "All Courses".  On the "All Courses" screen, you can remove any courses that have the orange/yellow star next to them to "unfavorite" them so they no longer appear on your Canvas Dashboard.  If none of your courses are currently starred in this way, then up to 20 courses will show on your Dashboard.  As soon as you star one or more courses (they must be "active" courses that you are enrolled in), then those are the only courses that will show up on your Dashboard.

Hope this helps!

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