[ARCHIVED] How do I quickly download submissions individually?

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Working with the previous gradebook version, I would click on one submission to download it, then move to the next farther down, etc.  The new gradebook does not seem to work that way.  Am I just failing to notice the method?  I recognize that a zip-file batch download is available, but it is not ideal for me.  Thanks.

If it matters, the reason I liked my previous approach is that most weeks I have an Excel-based quiz for which students upload their files, which have file names including student numbers but not names (to avoid biased grading).  With the student numbers at the start of the file names, I can sort them later and match against names. The zip file generates long file names that include the student names.  If the file changes could be avoided, the zip file would work reasonably well for me.  Also, I present solutions following the quizzes and allow students to earn back a portion of missed points by uploading adjusted files to a separate corrections assignment (adjacent in my gradebook), again with the student numbers.  Some students choose to do this, and some don't, and when downloading I do one quick pass through the gradebook for the pairs, throwing them into one folder, and one pass for the unpaired assignments.  I use the corrections files to help me grade the initial submissions.  Pulling files from zip files to send to the different folders is possible but more onerous.  And if a few people post a correction after I've started grading the others, it's easier to add them without working with new zip files, even though the late posters sacrifice some anonymity.  

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Community Coach
Community Coach

 @nicholaswonder , greetings! You are correct and aren't missing anything, that this can't be done in the new gradebook. Have you thought about going to Speedgrader and then clicking through the students there and downloading it from there? I know given your workflow it's not as easy as it was when you had the old gradebook, but it might be better than the download all option. 


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