How to create an assignment or graded item that students cannot see?

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I am trying to figure out if Canvas has a way to create "invisible" assignments, where I can assign points to a student without them seeing the points or the assignment itself.

My specific use case is that I always put an extra credit "easter egg" in my syllabus at the beginning of the semester (to see who actually reads the syllabus), and I'd like a way to track who correctly does the requested task, without advertising the task itself to the students. Up until now, I've been tracking this in a spreadsheet outside of Canvas, but surely there's got to be a better way?

1 Solution
Community Champion

@slavrenz -

As far as I know there is not a way to do what you want.  For the assignment not to be visible to the students, it has to be unpublished.  However, if it is unpublished, you cannot enter in grades for that assignment.  maybe someone else has an idea.  Unfortunately, you will probably have to keep doing what you are doing currently.  

I find it interesting that the students who find the easter egg would keep it to themselves and not tell their classmates.

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