Individual User's Accuracy on All Graded Surveys in a Course

Community Member

We assign multiple graded surveys throughout our course as exit tickets. We need to assign them as graded surveys, so students earn points just for completion and the points they earn are not based upon accuracy. However, this does not allow us to easily see an individual student's performance on multiple graded surveys or how they have done on their exit tickets as a whole. The grades show up in the student gradebook as 100% since all students receive the two points just for completing them, so we must dig into each individual survey to find the data we need.

My hope is that there can be an easier way to view individual students' accuracy across multiple graded surveys within the course. If we had some advanced reports where we could choose which assignments to include and whether we want to see points earned or accuracy, that would be wonderful.

Another fix could be adding an option to Quizzes through which teachers could override the score (assign each student 2 points for completion), but still view the accuracy "score" on our end.

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