Is there an Auto-Updating Date Field for Rich Text Editor?

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When importing pages, assignments, quizzes, etc., from an old Canvas course to a new Canvas course, I already know that I can have canvas update the due dates on my behalf.

But I'll often put the due date in plain text in the description of the item, as well.

Does Canvas have any kind of option to include a date field in the rich text editor? Something that could auto-update the date within the description text when a page is imported into a new course?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @azmanam ...

Canvas doesn't have a way that I'm aware of to put an auto-filled or auto-updated date within the page you are creating/editing in your course.  The "Pages" index page does tell you the creation date and the last edited date...and you can even see the page history to revert to an earlier version of the page...if available: How do I view the history of a page in a course?

But, these kinds of options aren't really available for other areas of the course like Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, etc.

Sorry I don't have better news for you at this time.  ☹️

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