Launch Pad

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How do I get to launch pad?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @cmelody26  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thank you for posting your question.  Unfortunately, I am not sure what Launch Pad is.  It's not any terminology I am familiar with as it relates to Canvas.  Doing a quick Google search, it seems that Launch Pad may be something from Macmillan Learning (I'm not totally sure of that, however).  Are you an instructor or a student trying to access Launch Pad?  If you are a student, have you tried reaching out to your instructor directly?  How do I get help with Canvas as a student?‌  Or, if you are an instructor and you know that Launch Pad is a Macmillan product, have you tried checking with your school's local Canvas administrator to see if they might be able to set up the 3rd-party LTI connection to Macmillan in Canvas?  Here's a bit more info that you could give your school's local Canvas admin if you are an instructor: Macmillan Learning.  I hope this information will be of help to you, Melody.  Good luck!

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