Log in with Google

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Community Explorer

Hi All,


I want to add a Google auth provider to Canvas, so we have click the log in with Google link below the main auth fields, and log in to our Canvas accounts. 


I have added a Google auth provider and set it up as follows.


I have restricted my google apps domains to my two domains, and for login attribute I have selected Email. I did not add any Federated Attributes.


When I go to login with my google account, I get an error that there is no user in Canvas with that email address. I verified that the user I am trying to login as not only exists, but the login ID matches the email address. I also created a new Google user and Canvas user, setting the name, email, and login ID all to match the Google account, and still, no dice.

Has anyone set this up successfully that may be able to assist me?

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Lookup discovery pages. It may be an acceptable solution for you like it was for us. I created a splash page in Google Sites. There are two buttons on this page. They link to the following urls.

Our students and teachers login with yourdomain.instructure.com/login/saml


Our parents will login with 


This was such a simple and elegant solution, and it works like a dream.


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