My Blueprint is Failing Me - Help

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Hi.  I am trying to design a Blueprint course that can accomplish the tasks listed.  I am piloting one this summer.  It is associated with about 18 courses.  It is failing.  I need to be able to:

Lock the Choice for Choose Course Home to Pages Front Page 

Lock the Course Home Page to a specific Front Page that I design.

-The Front Page has a button to redirect to a START HERE MODULE

Ensure that the START HERE MODULE cannot be unpublished.

Ensure that the START HERE MODULE, which has two required activities [a one question quiz and a file upload assignment] must be completed by all enrolled students before they can continue on to the instructor's modules/content.

The Start Here Module also helps us meet some of the QM standards.

My design did not work.  Instructors simply unpublished the Start Here Module, changed the front page, and the requirements my department has for students to take an online class are essentially avoided.

I am so frustrated.  I want the instructors to have a lot of autonomy AFTER these conditions are met.  I also want uniformity in our course home page.  

Please help.  @kona ‌ probably knows where I should go next. 


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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @rtyger ‌ - Far be it from me to intercept a call to Kona Jones, so forgive the intrusion, but I just so happened to answer a somewhat similar question just yesterday, where no less than Kona's husband, James, also weighed in with a few observations:  Blueprint Additional Restrictions and Date Offset .  The sad answer is that there is a lot in blueprint courses that can be modified, as you will see on my response yesterday one of the Feature Ideas linked to.  Modules are especially finicky. 

And, again just yesterday, the original requester on that previous link submitted his own Feature Idea that addresses one of your concerns, as well: .  The Community's resident blueprint guru,  @lindalee ‌, did a great presentation at Instructurecon last year and also has a link to several other Blueprint Feature Ideas here: .  While I continue to say that blueprint courses are a really cool feature, they are not always as configurable or lockable as many may prefer.


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