My course name will not update.

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Community Novice


I used one of Canvas' templates to make this course. Today I tried to update the course name multiple times within the settings.

For reference, I go to the course -> settings -> course details -> name

I follow the above process, change the name, and save, but for some reason, it will not update the name on my dashboard. 


Any ideas are appreciated!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @RachaelCochran 

Does the course name change in the course settings, but not it the dashboard?  If so, you'll want to check and make sure that you haven't given the course a nickname ( ), which is a name that is only visible on the dashboard.

If the name does not change under the course settings, you'll want to check with the Help Desk at your school to make sure that the course isn't using a Blueprint that locks certain course settings.

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