New Canvas Changes

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Hi, I've been teaching with Canvas for about 10 years and the recent changes to the interface are a huge downgrade in functionality. I don't like them, my students are complaining, formatting is routinely getting messed up, and my colleagues are also bemoaning the difficulties these changes are introducing. Is there any way to give feedback to the Canvas people or to revert back (permanently!) to the old version?

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@rachelssm Thanks for the clarification.  Since I do not work for Instructure, I would suggest you use the link I provided to the Q&A board to post your feedback.

Here is a link to all Canvas Release Notes and Canvas Deploy Notes.

Canvas Releases - Instructure Community (

And, prior to a Canvas Release, you can always test the new features and provide feedback by logging in to your school's "beta" environment.  Just be sure to log out of "beta" before returning to your school's normal "production" environment (this is the environment you typically log into from day to day).

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