Notification of Due Date Change

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Is it possible to see exactly (date and time) when a teacher posts a new assignment or changes a due date for an already posted assignment?  My son is having an issue with a teacher changing assignment due dates apparently in the middle of the night.  He'll go to bed with work completed and then wake up and find something new due later that day.

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @AnnoyedMom -

I'm sorry to hear about your student's unneeded stress regarding coursework!

While there is no visible history of those changes, your student can subscribe to notifications regarding due dates. If this issue occurs for one course, I encourage you and your student to adjust the notifications for the single course. Otherwise, their notifications/inbox will be filled with additional noise that may become hard to track.

You can set the notification for Due Date under Course Activities to Immediately to track those changes. If you get the notifications through email, you'd have the timestamps to reference at a later date (if you need to!).

How do I manage my Canvas notification settings as a student? 

How do I manage notifications for a single course as a student? 


I hope this is helpful as you address the challenge.

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