[ARCHIVED] PowerSchool/Canvas & a New Semester

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We are a PowerSchool/Canvas district, and this is our first semester change since implementing Canvas.  Do teachers receive (see) their new semester courses based on the grading period dates I entered for our account?  For lack of better words, when will their new courses show up on their dashboards? 


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We're hitting this for the first time, too,  @jcrawford ​. It is also our first year with SIS integration with PowerSchool and coming up on a sem change. Our teachers have seen their classes since the start of the new year. We're anticipating nothing different from the beginning of the year but our teachers know what they're teaching in sem2 because it is already available in PowerSchool to them. Our teachers have seen their Sem1 and Sem2 classes all year. Teachers teaching Marking Period-based classes in PowerSchool likewise have seen each class for each MP since the start of the school year.  In fact, the students in each of these classes are already enrolled and placed in a SIS-ID section. The students (and observers) don't know this yet because the courses aren't published, but when the teacher publishes the courses, they're set and at the ready to rock and roll in our Canvas instance.

Maybe you have this set up differently in your institution. When our CSM helped us set up the naming conventions for the SIS-created Canvas courses we asked him to include the words like Semester 1 and Marking Period 1 where applicable in the class names so teachers of Semesterly and Marking Period-based classes knew what to use first in September.

The only precaution we took this year was reminding teachers of semesterly and marking-period-based courses that they'll be turning on the new, BLANK Canvas class. Blank being key. So I created and shared-out a demo video showing teachers who might have created or appended new content to existing content in their current canvas course how to make sure that content is available for the next semester canvas class students. It's just a reminder-video of how to use the Import Content Into this Course feature  🙂

Since we're like you and this is the first time teachers will experience this we thought this might help bring some peace-of-mind to teachers until they use it more and build their own trust in the LMS.  It reviews the process in our instance and shows how to do a full course copy, not how to select specific content from this process. But it also shows the before and after from no-modules-to-modules and no-course-card-to-course-card with the other class settings. Sometimes seeing this done in action can help put first-timer-user nerves at ease a bit. You're welcome to use it if you think it will help your team.

Importing Content from Old to New Canvas Class - YouTube

Hope this reply helps.

Best wishes.


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