Jennifer Crawford
Community Contributor
Sep 22, 2015 9:47:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas I would like to be able to rearrange the layout of the courses on my dashboard by clicking and dragging them into a different order. I may want to...
I've come across a couple of institutions (both higher ed) that are using a crosslisting assistant to help their professors easily crosslist their courses. I am an admin in a K-12 district, and h...
We are a fairly new district to Canvas (Oconee, SC) and I am working with a pilot group to test out the Canvas gradebook. We use PowerSchool as our SIS and updated to version 10 over the summer... me...
I would like for Canvas admins or instructors to be able to create and manage roles and permissions for individual courses. Many of our courses are used as Communities of Practice or Professional Dev...
My K-12 school district uses the Canvas Catalog as a way to "advertise" and track teacher professional development (PD) and we get TONS of questions regarding the teachers' transcripts, es...
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This may be a very basic question, but what is the best (read: easiest) way to pull a list of courses housed in each catalog? If I export the Revenue Report, I'm getting a HUGE file with every use...
I have a course that is used for recertification purposes for our principals. I created the course in 2015, and have added revised the enrollments to add new principals each year. So now I have 3 sec...
Hey @bneporadny . Thanks for your response! That's what I thought, but I'm the account admin and I ran the token under my account...
I'm working with a colleague to try and mass import outcomes into our Beta instance and we're not having any luck... After some time, I went to the Canvas Live API and attempted to Post a sing...
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