Program Learning Outcomes

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We have created program learning outcomes at the root level and then assigned the outcomes to an assignment rubric. We have the PLO set to not be included in the score. We are using the PLO (outcomes) for us to score the program and not for students to see. How do we have the PLOs assigned to an assignment but not have the students see it on the rubric? 

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To assign Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to an assignment rubric without students seeing them, you can follow these steps. This process assumes you are using a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Canvas, Blackboard, or another similar platform.


  1. Create Rubric:

    • Navigate to the assignment where you want to add the rubric.
    • Click on "Add Rubric" to create a new rubric or "Edit Rubric" if you already have one.
  2. Add Criteria:

    • Add the various criteria that students will be graded on.
  3. Attach PLOs:

    • Click on “Find Outcome Criterion” to add PLOs. Select the outcomes you want to include in the rubric.
    • Make sure the “Use this criterion for scoring” checkbox is unchecked. This ensures that the PLOs are not used in the assignment’s scoring.
  4. Hide PLOs from Students:

    • While there isn't a direct way to hide PLOs from students within the rubric in Canvas, the unchecked “Use this criterion for scoring” will ensure these do not affect the grade. The students will not see these as part of their scoring criteria.


  1. Create Rubric:

    • Go to the Grade Center and find the assignment. Click on “Edit” to open the assignment settings.
    • Under “Grading,” select “Rubric” to create or edit the rubric.
  2. Add Criteria:

    • Add grading criteria for the assignment.
  3. Attach PLOs:

    • When adding PLOs, you might need to add them as separate criteria.
    • In the options for each PLO criterion, ensure it does not affect the grade. Blackboard may not have a direct "hide" feature, so you'll need to ensure the impact on the student's grade is neutral.
  4. Hide Rubric Details:

    • In Blackboard, while you can't directly hide parts of the rubric from students, you can set the rubric to be visible to students "With Rubric Scores" or "Without Rubric Scores" under the rubric settings.

General Advice

If the LMS you are using does not have a built-in feature to hide specific rubric criteria from students, consider these workarounds:

  1. Separate Rubrics: Create two rubrics—one for students that includes only the grading criteria, and a second internal rubric that includes the PLOs for instructor use only.

  2. Commenting System: Use the comments section of the grading tool to internally note PLOs when grading each assignment. This method ensures students do not see the PLOs but still allows you to track them.

  3. Manual Tracking: Maintain a separate document or spreadsheet where you track how each assignment meets the PLOs. This method is more manual but ensures students do not see the PLOs.


The exact steps and options can vary depending on the specific LMS you are using. If your LMS has limited functionality in this regard, consider using a combination of the methods above to ensure that PLOs are assessed internally without being visible to students. Always consult your LMS's help resources or support team for detailed instructions tailored to your system.


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