[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] Quiz Item Analysis

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One useful report that I cannot find in Canvas was the Quiz Item Analysis that Blackboard has, the Item analysis provides statistics on individual questions where instructor can take a quiz question and look at whether the wording of the question is confusing or are the answer options unclear

Does Canvas have this type of analysis and if so where is it located?

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1 Solution

Hi @c3bb9c482db31f2 

You can access the quiz statistics where you can find reports and a breakdown of the questions. 

This is the guide that goes over the options you would have available there

Once I publish a quiz, what kinds of quiz statistics are available? 

These are the statistics available, if what you are looking for is not included here, you can create a feature request. 

How do I create a new idea conversation in the Instructure Community? 


Thank you.


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