Quiz Statistics

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How can I print the Quiz Statistics Page that contains the Quiz Summary and Question Breakdown? I have attempted to print it from the Google Browser, but it cuts off the left side of the page. I have also tried saving it as a PDF, but the same issue persists.


I was able to fix this by highlighting the quiz statistics and then clicking print and choosing selection only in the print options.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for including the screenshot, @jsaldana17. I was able to replicate that behavior using Chrome -- I see a sliver of the left side of that part of the page not included in what the browser is sending to the printer/previewer. You included the best option for a solution at this time, which is to select the statistics and print only the selection. I think this is a bug and is something that is best reported to your Canvas help team. It would be great if their vigilance extended to the Canvas Question Forum, alas it does not.

I’m going to mark this reply as a solution. I realize it does not solve your problem, but our colleagues who encounter the same limitation will know how to create better printouts of quiz statistics and the next steps to improve this situation.

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