Quizzes not adding up correctly in gradebook

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I have weekly quizzes set up to be 30% of the total grade. The students have taken most, but not all of the quizzes, but when I look in the grade book, all of their grades for the "weekly quizzes" are in the 150 to 160% range?

I have looked through all of the quizzes and they are all set up the same way, and I don't see an issue?

I also have other assignments set up that are 40% of the total and they seem to be calculating correctly.

Any ideas of where I should be looking?

Andrew T


2 Solutions
Community Champion


It looks like you have score(s) for quiz(zes) that are higher than the points allowed.  Or somehow you have 0 points as the possible score for the quiz and you have assigned students a grade for that quiz.  I occasionally see your result for a single student when I enter in 100 instead of 10.  But an entire class is strange. 

edit: @AndrewTomas 

If these are new quizzes causing the issue, look at this post:


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Community Member

Thank you.

I found the quiz that for some reason was set up as being out of 0! Changed that and all is well.

Andrew T

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