[ARCHIVED] Reactivating Students

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I apparently need help from the school canvas. Is this the right place? I spoke with "canvas" andvhereviscwhatvthey suggest.

Hello April Emigh,

Thanks for contacting Canvas Support! I've attached a transcript of our conversation below for reference. If you have any additional questions, please contact us again either by chat, phone, or by emailing us at support@instructure.com.

Chat Started: Thursday, September 26, 2019, 10:30:02 (-0600)

Chat Origin: Canvas Admin/Faculty Support Chat

Agent Joseph E

( 2s ) Joseph E: Hi April Emigh ! How can I help you today?
( 2m 33s ) April Emigh : I have 3 students in 3 different classes that I constantly every day have to reactivate. 2 students were from my class last semester that got an incomplete. I've invited them. Theyve accepted yet they dont stay activated. The other student is a paid student for this semester (but he is going to the student office to see if something happened on his end)
( 4m 50s ) Joseph E: I'll be happy to look into this for you! Sadly Canvas Support doesn't have access to your SIS platform to fully look into this, but it sounds like it's kicking them out after their automatic syncs go through. For better assistance, I would suggest reaching out to the help desk of your College who can help guide you/give you better answers than I can. Alternatively I can assign this case to a field admin who can also dig into this deeper for us. I would just need the URL links to the courses in question and the first and last name of each student to provide them that information.


Canvas Support

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @aemigh ‌, the support agent suggests that you contact the help desk at your school for assistance with this. I was able to find this page on your school's website (you'll see a phone number at the bottom of the page): Learning Technology Services | Valencia College 

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