Rubric points

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I could not find the answer in the community, so apologies if it already has been answered. I am trying to create a rubric that uses range of scores. The scores that I want to use are excellent 5, good 4-3, and needs improvement 2-1. The range option does not allow me to customize the scores, and automatically lists them as 5, 5-3, 3-0. Is there a way to customize the points without automatically be changed to the default.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

This is something that bugs me too, @ikatzarskamille, when I am trying to edit the points possible for each level in a rubric criterion. I find that starting with the score for the lowest level is best. There must always be one that has zero as a possibility, so your levels might be 2, 4, and 5. Technically the range for the bottom level will be 2-0, but you don't have to give a score lower than 1.

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