“Shuffle answers” Quiz Settings vs “Shuffle choices” Question Option

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Was just looking at shuffle answers vs shuffle choices in New Quiz and I'm wondering why if Shuffle answers is enabled that the option for Shuffle choices isn't then enabled. These seam to work totally independently of each other.

If The quiz level setting just flowed through to the question level setting that would allow you to just turn shuffle off in the occasional situation where you don't need it ("All of the above" etc), vs otherwise having to manually enable it on every question that does require shuffling because you can't use the quiz level setting due to 1 or 2 questions.

Am I missing something?

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

The main reason that the quiz level setting of "Shuffle Answers" doesn't trickle down to the questions and change the "Shuffle Choices" setting, is that questions can be from Item Banks in the New Quiz, and if the "Shuffle Choices" option was automatically enabled when the "Shuffle Answers" option was enabled, then it would change the settings on Item Banks questions--which you normally wouldn't want to do because it can effect the behavior of the question in all the New Quizzes where the question exists.

If you don't want to shuffle the answer choices for all the questions on the quiz, you will need to manually select which questions that you want the shuffling to occur for.

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