[ARCHIVED] Starting a Video Creation Tool Collaboration: Come Join In!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

As video becomes a leading delivery method for instructional content, faculty and designers often find themselves comparing a myriad of products to try and find the right one for them. Wouldn't it be great if there was a community resource one could turn to for all the answers in one place like the amazing Course Design Resource Index (Collaboration)​? Let's create one!

What can you do?

Join the team! We'll be using the CanvasLIVE: 24/7 LIVE Chatrooms to communicate. Once you make it into the chat rooms, send a message to myself,  @biray ​, Deactivated user​, or just ask around in the Instructional Designers forum.

"I don't want to do the chat thing, but I have thoughts."

Awesome! If you can share any previous experiences, opinions, or questions you would want answered in such a document. Leave a comment below.

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