User File SIS Import Issue, Login Info Claimed

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Community Novice

My questions involves the SIS import of the users file.  Out of thousands of records being imported, I'm having trouble with just three of them.  They receive the following error:

An existing Canvas user with the SIS ID 0123456  has already claimed 0123456's user_id requested login information, skipping

Yes, the SIS IDs appear to match.  Has anybody see this type of error before?

1 Solution
Community Champion

We have had this error a few times. You just need to open those three users in the Canvas UI and fix the incorrect information for each user. The user file won't fix things like that. Just verify that each user has the correct name, login ID, and SIS ID in the Canvas UI.

You'll want to correct the error in the SIS database or wherever your user file was built from first though. In my experience, the error on the SIS side is usually fixed by time I go looking for it so you might just need to verify it's correct there before making changes in the Canvas UI. You would be checking to see if any of the IDs are duplicated.

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