Zoom Pro LTI 1.1 to 1.3 Question

Community Participant

We are in the planning stages of moving from Zoom Pro LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3.  Our original 1.1 install was installed using a Zoom personal account instead of a service account (which we don't want).  So, I will be installing Zoom Pro LTI 1.3 from scratch instead of upgrading.  

I was wondering if anyone else has any "gotchas" they may have encountered from moving from 1.1 to 1.3?  Did you run both versions side-by-side for a bit before completely removing the 1.1 LTI?  Or, did you just delete 1.1 and then install the 1.3?  Did all user data like scheduled meetings and recordings associated with the 1.1 LTI automatically migrate and remain accessible through the new integration?

Any helpful tips are appreciated.


Jeff Morgan

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